KALLARI. Undertaking for the community and nature / Indigenous entrepreneurship experience from the Amazon jungle
Publicación digital

KALLARI. Undertaking for the community and nature / Indigenous entrepreneurship experience from the Amazon jungle

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The book is presented from the eyes of the Kiwcha community, to the Kallari company, an enterprise for the community and nature. The text begins with the description of the Chakra and the Minga as a support for community life and the indigenous economy, and the way in which this basic system of the indigenous worldview constitutes an alternative to Western economies. The second chapter documents the history of Kallari, the company's products, as well as the successes and progress made by different leaders, partners and funders. The third chapter includes the lessons learned along the way, the goals that are yet to be achieved, and reflects on the challenge of involving new generations in the process. It concludes with an open invitation to enter the territory with an open mind and the promise that daily decisions and acts make it possible to build community, generate income and mitigate climate change.

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Publicación digital
dic. 2023

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